Friday, May 9, 2008

Colors of ethnicity

From traditional styles of sarees and sherwanis to the local Arab garb of dishdashas, students of Manipal University, Dubai Campus, were decked up today, to celebrate their unity in diversity. Despite the fact that Ethnic Day is celebrated once every semester, barring a few, none thought twice about taking the trouble to dress up for the day. Au contraire, corridors, classrooms and buses were abuzz the day before, with students making plans for the next day.

The ladies are all that.

Left: 1st year Media student Rabiya is unafraid to walk the ramp. Right: The boys show them how it's done. Photos: Karen Ann Monsy

The dudes of BBA strike a pose in favor of their unity. Photo: Karen Ann Monsy

Celebrating one's ethnicity is never more beautiful than when it's celebrated together and in peaceful co-existence with others. You learn respect. When you learn respect, you give respect. And when you give respect, that's when you earn your own right to it.

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