"To be brilliant in math, the mind has to be clear," stated child prodigy Shakuntala Devi who awed students of Manipal University, Dubai Campus, gathered for a workshop today, with her incredible computation capabilities.

Ms. Shakuntala, who has been "in love with numbers since the age of three", demonstrated her mathematical prowess as she has been doing for years in schools and universities across the world. She was welcomed to the campus by Dr. B. Ramjee, Director of Manipal University, Dubai Campus. She began her workshop to rapturous applause from a packed hall of math enthusiasts. The session was highly interactive and she enthralled her audience with tricks of mental math where she boggled the minds of faculty and students alike. Ms. Shakuntala Devi used a fine balance of humour and Math to make every problem appear as easy as 1, 2, 3. Her primary aim, she said, was to "spread the perfume of math", and her every effort seems directed to the same.

Ms. Shakuntala Devi addresses the audience, comprising students and faculty alike. Photo: Afshan Ahmed
Ms. Shakuntala acknowledged the fervent enthusiasm and response of the jam-packed auditorium filled with students and faculty, straining for just a glimpse of her amazing feats. She was also gracious enough to grant the Television Production students of the Department of Media & Communications, a 12-minute interview shoot, wherein they interviewed her regarding her passsion for math and spreading her love of the subject.