"I think the key is for women not to set any limits."~ Martina Navratilova
Dr. B. Ramjee, Director, MAHE - Dubai Campus, and Dr. Md. Firoz, Chairperson, Department of Media and Communications, read from the 'Wall of Fame' listing eminent women and their contributions to society.
Photograph by Afshan Ahmed
9th March saw MAHE - Dubai Campus transform into a vibrant venue for the International Women's Day Campaign that was organised by the 3rd year students of Media and Communications, specialising in Advertising and Public Relations.
The campaign saw the campus come alive, with purple and white being the predominant colours used to mark the day. The campaign was sponsored by leading brands like Lipton, Knorr, Al Rawabi, Sapil Perfumes, Torrent Establishment and Roza Perfumes - Al Ain.
Upon arrival, staff and students were given purple badges to wear - as a symbol of their support and participation. Each woman on campus was also given a red rose as a special gesture. Free refreshments were distributed to every one on campus courtesy the sponsors. Lucky draws were also conducted with students walking away with freebies which included perfumes.
Everyone joined in the celebration, as was evident when they continued to sport their purple badges throughout the day.
Fatima Kazia, a 2nd year student of Fashion Design, said, "I feel proud to be a woman. The International Women's Day Campaign is a creative concept that celebrates this feeling."
She was especially appreciative of the Wall of Fame, an entire wall dedicated to women and highlighting the achievements and contributions by eminent women from across the world.
Dr. Ramjee, Director, Manipal University - Dubai Campus, upon seeing the Wall of Fame, remarked, "I'm totally impressed with this collection depicting the history of various famous women who have made tremendous contributions to humanity as a whole."
Mita, student organiser, pins a purple badge - a symbol of women's empowerment - on Women's Day.
Photograph by Mitalee Kurdekar
Around noon, a live band added to the merriment. Students had a separate area to display their skills in Henna tattooing which was a crowd puller with women sporting decorative henna designs on their hands.
Anusha Parameswaran, a 3rd year student of Interior Design, said, "The event in its entirety was extremely uplifting. It is one that will be rememebered through the rest of the year."
Ms. Sitalakshmi Ramanan, Senior Lecturer, Management Department, said of the campaign, "It's a great idea to celebrate women's day at college. I have been proud to be a woman and now I'm proud of our students for this effort. More power to women!"
Ms. H. S. Shubha, Senior Lecturer, Department of Media and Communications, who was behind the entire organisation of the campaign - from conception to execution - felt that the campaign was instrumental in bringing together not just her students - the organisers, but also students from different parts of the campus.
"People are showing up and having a look at the Wall of Fame. It feels like a different day in college today...it's a great feeling," she said.
Dr. Firoz, Chair, Department of Media and Communications, summed up the general opinion, saying, "This campaign has been organised extremely well by the students of Media and Communications, specialising in Advertising and Public Relations. They have given us the confidence and courage to proceed in organising a much bigger event in the future."
Purple Power - Women Power! Photograph by Rohan Cardoz